Sunday, October 28, 2012

David was Renaissance statue of biblical hero which was sculpted by re-owned artist such as Donatello, Verrocchio, and Michelangelo. Bernini also painted the biblical hero, David, in 1623. Although all of this artist have sculpted David, they all show different aspect of the battle between Goliath and David. While Donatello and Verrocchio show the victory of David, Michelangelo portrays David before the starting of the battle. Contrasting with the other artist, Bernini's David represents the combat itself. The element of time play a critical role in Bernini's expansive and theatrical sculptures. It is observed in David through the split second of maximum action. David is shown launching the stone while his muscular legs wide apart and firmly planted providing him the required balance for the pivoting motion. Also there is a bag full of stone around his hip which suggests he thought the fight would be lingering and grueling. The dramatic pose of David intrudes the viewer to think critically. The action showed in this painting requires space around it and different from the Renaissance style. David's pose and attitude direct attention toward the unseen Goliath. The visible tension on David's face escalates dramatic impact of Bernini's sculpture.

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